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Student Affairs and Academic Support

Class Absences

While students are expected to attend class, occasional absences can be unavoidable. The academic bulletin explains the rights and responsibilities of undergraduate students and instructors when it comes to class absences. The bulletin is the official word on the attendance policy, but we've summarized some key points.

Unexcused Absences

In traditional lecture-based, in-person courses, students are allowed to miss 5% of the total class meeting time, regardless of the reason.

  • In general, this "5% rule" means that students won't be penalized for missing two sessions of a 50-minute MWF course or one session of a 75-minute TR course.

Online, lab, clinical, practicum and  certain other courses may allow fewer absences.

Example Reasons for Unexcused Absences

  • Routine doctor's appointments
  • Illness without a doctor's note 
  • Friend or family events such as weddings and vacations
  • Car trouble or travel delays
  • Work obligations
  • Death or severe illness of a pet


Excused Absences

 In certain cases, students who miss class will be given excused absences. Students won't be penalized for these absences, and they'll be offered the opportunity to make up missed work or complete an alternate assignment. Instructors may require make-up work to be completed within one week of returning to class.

Example Reasons for Excused Absences

  • Military duty or jury duty
  • Observance of a religious practice, holiday or holy day
  • Illness or injury too severe or contagious to attend class, with appropriate documentation       
  • Death or severe illness of immediate family member, with appropriate documentation


Request an Excused Absence

Follow these steps to help us process your request as quickly as possible.

  • Check whether your absence may be excused.
    Review the appropriate attendance policy — undergraduate or graduate — and the guidelines below to determine whether your absence may be excused and what type of documentation is required.

  • Submit your complete request as soon as reasonably possible. Submit your complete request — including appropriate documentation — as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days following the absence, or by the last day of class for the semester, whichever is sooner.
    • For absences that are known at the beginning of the semester (such as religious holidays or authorized university activities), students should submit their requests no later than the second week of class.
    • Requests for excused absences that occur during final exams should be submitted within 72 hours of the scheduled exam time. 
  • Be aware of possible exceptions.
    Instructors may refuse to give an excused absence or make-up work that would result in a fundamental alteration of the essential academic requirements of the course. In some of these cases, you may want to consider dropping a course. Undergraduate students can review information on the hardship withdrawal webpage. Graduate students should review their academic bulletin.


For Family Members

A parent or guardian can request an excused absence on behalf of their student, but we must receive consent from the student to process the request. To prevent delays, it's best for the student to submit the request. However, if your student is incapicated and unable to communicate with our office, please call us at 803-777-4872 before you submit the  help form.  


Excused Absence Guidelines

For the purpose of an excused absence, immediate family is defined as a parent, spouse, child, sibling, spouse of sibling,  grandparent, grandchild or legal guardian.

Reason for absence Report to Documentation Keywords
(hidden column)
Military duty or obligation Student Advocacy Military orders with the student's name and date(s) they need to be absent deployment
Participation in an authorized university activity where the student plays a formal, required role Student Advocacy Letter from a university official confirming the student's required role in the event and date(s) the student needs to be absent   
Legal obligation to appear at or participate in a judicial or administrative proceeding Student Advocacy Court summons or correspondence from a legal authority stating the student's name and the dates they are required to participate in a judicial or administrative proceeding jury duty, court
Required visa or immigration appointment with a government authority  Student Advocacy Letter from a government authority stating the student's name, type of appointment, and the date and location of the appointment international
Medical condition or illness Student Advocacy Letter from a health care provider stating the student's condition is severe or too contagious to attend class and citing the dates recommended the student be absent for recovery. Documentation must be able to be validated by the health care provider and cannot be from a provider who is related to the student.  sick, doctor's appointment, doctor
Medical care of an immediate family member Student Advocacy Letter from a health care provider stating the immediate family member’s condition is severe (specifics about their condition are not needed) and the date(s) it is recommended the student be absent from class to care for them  
Religious practice, holiday or holy day Instructor Written notification stating the religious practice, holiday or holy day they will be observing and the date(s) they will be absent from class no later than the end of the second week of regularly scheduled classes in a full semester term and within twice the length of the add/drop period of any other term  
Medical condition related to pregnancy or childbirth Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Contact the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX at 803-777-3854 or to speak with an intake coordinator  
Death of an immediate family member Student Advocacy Obituary or death certificate   
Student fulfilling a formal role as a varsity athlete Instructor Letter from the associate athletic director for academics stating the student is an athlete, the event and date(s) the student must be absent to play a formal, required role in an athletic event  
University closure for weather-related and other activities Instructor USC will post an announcement on and send a Carolina Alert  
Absence related to a permanent disability Student Disability Resource Center Registered students should contact their assigned disability coordinator. To identify that coordinator, contact the Student Disability Resource Center at 803-777-6142 or  
Death of a friend Student Advocacy May be excused at instructor's discretion. Obituary or death certificate   
Non-closure weather-related emergencies that impact a student’s ability to get to campus or require a student’s presence off campus Instructor May be excused at instructor's discretion. Instructor may request travel receipts/confirmations stating the student's location to verify weather conditions  
Club sport Instructor May be excused at instructor's discretion. Letter from club's sponsor/coach stating the student is a team member, the event and date(s) the student will be absent   
Mandatory interviews related to employment, professional school or graduate school Student Advocacy May be excused at instructor's discretion. Correspondence from the employer or school on letterhead with their contact information stating the date(s) and reason the student will be absent from class in advance  
Death of a non-immediate family member Student Advocacy May be excused at instructor's discretion. Obituary or death certificate  
Internship, career fair, conference, voluntary organization event, banquet, award ceremony, etc. Instructor May be excused at instructor's discretion. Instructor may request correspondence from the sponsoring employer, office, or organization confirming the date(s) of student's participation  



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