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Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Our People

Kurt Goblirsch

Title: Professor of German and Linguistics
Director of USC-Bamberg Exchange
Department: Languages, Literatures and Cultures
College of Arts and Sciences
Office: Welsh Humanities Office Bldg, 906
Resources: Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Linguistics Program
Kurt Goblirsch


Postgraduate Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg, 1990-91.
Ph.D. in Germanic Philology, 1990, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
M.A. in Germanic Philology, 1987, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
A.B. in Germanic Languages, 1984, with honors, Washington University, St. Louis.
Undergraduate Studies, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, 1982-83.


Kurt Goblirsch is a specialist in the languages and medieval literature of Germany, Scandinavia, England, and the Low Countries. His courses in linguistics range from comparative Germanic linguistics and English etymology to the structure of Modern German and German sociolinguistics. His courses in literature treat the chivalric poetry of the High Middle Ages in Germany, Germanic heroic poetry, and Scandinavian mythology. Courses in Middle High German, Old High German, Old Saxon, Old Norse, and Gothic provide the foundation for student research in linguistics and literature. Prof. Goblirsch’s own research centers on the comparative study of sound change, word forms, and word origins. He is the Co-editor of the journal NOWELE: North-Western European Language Evolution.


Consonant Strength in Upper German Dialects. Odense: Odense UP, 1994.
Lautverschiebungen in den germanischen Sprachen. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2005.
Gemination, Lenition, and Vowel Lengthening: On the History of Quantity in Germanic.. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2018.


German Academic Exchange Service
Swedish Institute
National Endowment for the Humanities

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