- ONR, Circulation Changes in the Arctic Ocean and Subarctic Seas and their Connections to the Global Ocean and Climate", $351,000, 07/01/2020-06/30/2023 (Sole PI).
- ONR, Influence of Mesoscale and Submesoscale Eddy Structures on the Arabian Sea Mixed, $230,000, 07/13/2020-07/12/2022 (Sole PI).
- ONR (MISO-BoB), Response of the Bay of Bengal to the Atmospheric Intraseasonal Oscillations, $575,000, 05/01/2017-01/31/2022 (Sole PI).
- NASA/SC Space Grant, Utilization of NASA’s SMAP Salinity and GPM Precipitation for Indian Ocean Monsoon Studies, $12,000; 06/15/2019-04/14/2020. (Mentor, Graduate Fellowship awarded to Heather Roman-Stork)
- ONR (NASCar), Upper Ocean Mixing Processes and Circulation in the Arabian Sea during Monsoons, $455,000, 01/01/2015-12/31/2019 (Sole PI).
- NASA/SC Space Grant, Estimation of Volume and Freshwater Flux in the Arctic Ocean, $10,000; 07/10/2017-03/15/2018 (Sole PI).
- NASA/SC Space Grant, Investigating Role of Southern Ocean on Global Climate using Satellite observations and model simulations; $12,000; 08/01/2017-06/24/2018. (Mentor, Graduate Fellowship Awarded to Brady Ferster).
- NASA/SC Space Grant, Investigating Role of Southern Ocean on Global Climate using Satellite observations and model simulations; $12,000; 08/01/2018-06/30/2019. (Mentor, Graduate Fellowship Awarded to Brady Ferster).
- NASA, New Approaches to understanding the MJO using Satellite Altimetry and Aquarius Salinity in the Tropical Oceans (Sole PI), $296,249, 07/09/2013-07/08/2017.
- NASA/SC Space Grant, Role of salinity on Agulhas Current System, $6,000, 07/01/2016-04/30/2017.
- ONR, Northern Indian Ocean Salt Transport (NIOST): Estimation of Fresh and Salt Water Transports in the Indian Ocean Using Remote Sensing, Hydrographic Observations and HYCOM simulations, $345,000; 05/01/2012-04/30/2015 (Sole PI).
- NASA/South Carolina Space Grant Graduate Fellowship, Estimation of Fresh and salt water transports in the Indian Ocean using NASA’s Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity data, (PI: Matthew Nienhaus, MS student (Marine Science) Advisor: Dr. Subrahmanyam Bulusu), $10,000; 05/01/2012-04/30/2013.
- ONR, Estimation of Salt and Fresh water transports in the Bay of Bengal using HYCOM, $59,995, 05/14/11-9/30/2012 (Sole PI)
- NASA/South Carolina Space grant Graduate Fellowship, Calibration and validation of SMOS and Aquarius Salinity data, (PI: Gary Grunseich, MS student (EOS) Advisor: Dr. Subrahmanyam Bulusu), $10,000; 08/01/2011-07/31/2012.
- NASA, Indian Ocean Response to ENSO and IOD using satellite observations, $76,391, 08/16/2008 - 08/15/2010. (Sole PI)
- NASA/SC South Carolina Space Grant, Hurricane Contribution to Air-Sea Fluxes of CO2, $10,000, 05/01/2008-04/30/2009 (Mentor, Graduate Fellowship Awarded to Michelle Gierach)
- NASA/SC South Carolina Space Grant: Studying Large Scale Circulation with Altimetry, $10,000, 05/01/2008 - 04/30/2009 (Mentor, Graduate Fellowship Awarded to Dara Cadden)
- NASA/SC South Carolina Space Grant, Studying Large Scale Circulation with Altimetry, $10,000, 08/01/2007-07/31/2008 (Mentor, Graduate Fellowship Awarded to Dara Cadden)
- NASA, Satellite data analysis of Low Frequency Indian Ocean Climate Variability, $239,524, 03/01/2006 - 02/28/2010. (Sole PI).
- NASA/South Carolina Space Grant, Influence of Phytoplankton on Ocean Circulation, $30,000, 05/01/2006 - 04/30/2008. (Sole PI)
- UofSC Office of Research and Health Sciences, Acquisition of a long-range HF Radar surface current mapping system, $75,000, 2006-2007. (PI: Dr. Richard Styles & CO-PI’s: Dr. George Voulgaris, Subrahmanyam Bulusu and Sasha Yankovsky).
- NASA/SC South Carolina Space Grant, Studying Large Scale Circulation with Altimetry, $10,000, 05/01/2006-04/30/2007 (Mentor, Graduate Fellowship Awarded to Dara Cadden)
- NASA/JPL, Comparison of upper ocean wave dynamics with JASON-1 and TOPEX/Poseidon, $444,000, 10/01/2000-09/30/2005. (PI: Dr. Jim O’Brien and CO-PI: Dr. Subrahmanyam Bulusu).