Welcome to the web site devoted especially to helping you get the most out of your
physics laboratory experience. Here we provide links to information on Physics 201
and 202 laboratory courses. Of course, this is a work in progress and is continually
being improved and amended. If you don't find what you are looking for here, let
us know and we'll get the information up as quickly as possible.
The shortened URL for this page is: http://uof.sc/physlabs
For Spring 2025:
PHYS 201 and 202 Labs will begin on Monday, January 13, 2025 with an orientation.
Please attend during your scheduled lab meeting time this week.
PHYS 211, Honors PHYS 211, PHYS 212, and Honors PHYS 212 Studios (Labs) will begin
on January 13, 2025. Please attend the first course meeting on January 13th for more
Please address questions via email to Mr. James Clawson (clawsonj@mailbox.sc.edu) or
call the departmental office at (803) 777-8105.
Lab Information:
- Schedule, directory info, and e-mail links for the laboratory instructors, the faculty and support staff are found here. If
you need to contact your instructor or the faculty in charge of your course, this
is the place to go.
- A complete listing of all the current laboratory project descriptions for PHYS 201L, PHYS 202L are found here. This is where you go to print, download,
or view your copy of the project descriptions.
- How to prepare an Oral Presentation.
- Data Analysis, Uncertainty, and Graphing How-To [pdf]
- Graph paper available for download.
- Orientation slide show [pptx] for 200 level physics labs (201L, 202L).
- A PDF version of the orientation slide show serves as the syllabus for the course.