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College of Education

Physical Education, M.A.T.

What will I study?

The Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T) program in Physical Education is an initial licensure program designed for students who have an undergraduate degree in a field other than teaching who want to teach physical education. The program will prepare you to work as a physical education teacher at any level within the K-12 school system. In alignment with the current National Initial Physical Education Teacher Education Standards set by the Society of Health and Physical Educators, the goals of the program emphasize skills, knowledge, and dispositions every beginning physical education teacher needs in order to provide optimal learning experiences for children in their journey of physical literacy.

Our faculty believe that physical education teachers have the responsibility to promote a rich and meaningful educational environment for all children and adolescents that will promote lifelong participation in, and enjoyment of, health enhancing physical activity.

During your program, you will have multiple opportunities to prepare lesson plans, teach in schools, and collaborate with other members of your cohort to develop strategies for increasing the positive impact of physical education on all members of a school community.


What kinds of work will I be able to do?

Graduates from the program typically find jobs as elementary or secondary school physical education teachers. A job as a physical education teacher may also include coaching a sports team. Some of our graduates go on to pursue advanced degrees in physical education. No matter what they choose to do, our graduates are well prepared to contribute to the holistic education of school-aged youth, ensuring all children and adolescents find personal meaning and enrichment in maintaining a physically active lifestyle.


Typical Coursework

Physical Education Courses (39 hours)
What does it take to effectively foster student learning in physical education? You’ll find many of the answers in the physical education courses, which make up the bulk of the M.A.T. program of study. These courses provide the framework you’ll need to plan and teach physical education lessons, assess student learning, analyze your own instructional behavior, and apply basic research skills to enhance your development as an educator. Learning experiences also will allow you to practice promoting physical activity in settings beyond the physical education classroom, such as YMCAs and other family and community contexts.

Physical education courses culminate with the student teaching internship, which involves spending half of a semester teaching in an elementary school and the other half of the semester teaching in a secondary school. You will have the opportunity to apply everything you’ve learned throughout the program and to see firsthand what it is like to be a full time physical education teacher.

General Education Courses (6 hours)
Courses in this category include one course in educational psychology and one course in foundations of education.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
