Paper Accepted for Publication
W. Yan, B. Zhang, W. Dou, D. Liu, Y. Peng, Low-Cost Adaptive Diagnosis and Prognosis with Li-ion Battery Application, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
Our research includes robotics, human-robot interactions, autonomous systems, unmanned vehicles, multi-agent systems, networked and real-time control systems, fault-tolerant control, and optimization, health monitoring and management, fault detection and isolation, failure prognosis, and fault tolerant control, intelligent systems and control, online adaptive and learning based control, neural and fuzzy control as well as reconfigurable control.
W. Yan, B. Zhang, W. Dou, D. Liu, Y. Peng, Low-Cost Adaptive Diagnosis and Prognosis with Li-ion Battery Application, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
B. Zhang, L. Tang, M. Roemer, Probabilistic Planning and Risk Evaluation Based on Ensemble Weather Forecasting, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
B. Wang, J. Wang, B. Zhang, and X. Li, Leader-follower Consensus of Multi-vehicle Wirelessly Networked Uncertain Systems Subject to Nonlinear Dynamics and Actuator Fault, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
B. Wang, J. Wang, B. Zhang, and L. Zhang, Global cooperative control framework for multi-agent systems subject to actuator saturation with industrial applications, IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics, Systems
B. Wang, J. Wang, L. Zhang, and B. Zhang, Cooperative Control of Heterogeneous Uncertain Dynamical Networks: An Adaptive Explicit Synchronization Framework, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics