Previous Years:
January 2020
The college published an article on upcoming work with NC State University on their NSF project: AERPAW (Aerial Experimentation Research Platform for Advanced Wireless).
December 2019
Prof. David W. Matolak, Assistant Prof., Alphan Sahin, and post-doctoral research associate Dr. Hossein Jamal attended several days of meetings at Boeing Laboratories in Seattle, WA, for discussions and a demonstration of their new aviation radios in preparation for flight tests of these new dual-band radio systems on Boeing’s 2020 Eco-Demonstrator flight tests, part of the activity in Prof. Matolak's NASA University Leadership Initiative project.
Prof. Matolak's Ph.D student, Mohanad Mohsen successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation, entitled "30 GHz Path Loss Modeling and Performance Evaluation for Non-coherent M-ary Frequency Shift Keying in the 30 GHz Band." Mr. Mohsen will make final revisions to this dissertation and plan to graduate in Spring 2020.
November 2019
Prof. David W. Matolak presented the paper “Chirp Spread Spectrum Signaling for Future Air-Ground Communications”at the IEEE MILCOM, Norfolk, VA, 12-14 November 2019. Co-author was Ph.D. student Nozhan Hosseini. Dr. Matolak also served as the Vice-Chair of the conference’s Technical Program Committee.
October 2019
Two of Prof. Matolak's Ph.D. students, Jinwen Liu, and Nozhan Hosseini, successfully defended their dissertation proposals in October 2019.
Post-doctoral research associate Dr. Hossein Jamal, along with other students in the Wireless Science and Engineering Laboratory, hosted a visit by the VP of Marketing for Mini Circuits, Inc. The company Mini Circuits is a major designer and manufacturer of RF components.
September 2019
Prof. David W. Matolak presented the invited paper entitled "Path Loss at 5 GHz and 31 GHz for Two Distinct Indoor Airport Settings," at the European Conference on Signal Processing, in A Coruna, Spain. The paper was co-authored by Ph.D. student Mohanad Mohsen, and visiting student Jinming Chen.
Prof. David W. Matolak, along with post-doctoral research associate Dr. Hosseinali Jamal, and Ph.D. student Zeenat Afroze, presented results of Professor Matolak's research group at the 2nd annual NASA University Leadership Initiative meeting, in Boise, Idaho, at Boise State University--home to one of Prof. Matolak's co-investigators on the NASA project.
Prof. David W. Matolak delivered the keynote presentation at the workshop entitled "Swarm Intelligence: Autonomous and Connected Unmanned Aircraft Systems,"at the IEEE Fall Vehicular Technology Conference, in Honolulu, HI. The keynote talk was entitled "From the Ground Up: Physical Layer and Reliability Considerations for Air-Ground and Air-Air Networking." Prof. Matolak also presented another paper at this conference, entitled "Path Loss Modeling and Ray-tracing Verification for 5/31/90 GHz Indoor Channels," co-authored by Ph.D. students Jinwen Liu, Mohanad Mohsen, and visiting student Jinming Chen.
August 2019
Prof. David W. Matolak published the journal article "Analysis of Non-Stationary 3D Air-to-Air Channels Using the Theory of Algebraic Curves” in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, with lead author Michael Walter of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), and co-authors Dimitry Shutin, Nicolas Schneckenburger, Thomas Wiedemann, and Armin Dammann, all of DLR.
Representatives from the Naval Information Warfare Center, in Charleston, SC, toured the Wireless Science and Engineering Laboratory. They were shown demonstrations of millimeter wave communication links, wireless channel measurement and modeling, and dual-band air-ground radio designs being developed for flight testing in Prof. Matolak’s NASA project.
Prof. David W. Matolak published the journal article "A Survey of Air-to-Ground Propagation Channel Modeling for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles” in the IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, with lead author Wahab Khawaja of North Carolina State University (NCSU), Ismail Guvenc of NCSU, and Uwe-Carsten Fiebig and Nicolas Schneckenburger of the German Aerospace Center.
July 2019
Prof. David W. Matolak and Post-Doctoral Research Associate Dr. M. Cenk Erturk presented work at a flight test planning meeting with engineers from Boeing, Honeywell Aerospace, and Collins Aerospace in mid July, in Annapolis, MD. The meeting was one of a series to prepare for the 2020 flight tests of USC radios in Boeing's Eco-Demonstrator flights.
Prof. David W. Matolak presented a poster and co-chaired a breakout session at the 6th NSF Millimeter Wave Research Coordination Network Workshop in Boulder, CO. The poster was entitled 90 GHz Attenuations for Several Materials. Prof. Matolak also participated in a meeting of the NIST 5G mmWave Channel Model Alliance.
May & June 2019
Prof. David W. Matolak served on a National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Review Panel, in Boulder, CO. The panel of experts in wireless communications was charged with reviewing the Communications Technology Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The panel will compose an NAE report that will be issued later in 2019
Prof. David W. Matolak attended the National Academy of Engineering Regional Meeting at the University of Virginia, in Charlottesville, VA. The meeting theme was “Cyber-Physical Systems: The Defining Technologies of the 21st Century.”
Prof. David W. Matolak published a paper "A Survey of Air-to Ground Propagation Channel Modeling for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles" in journal "IEEE Communications Survey & Tutorials" with authors W. Khawaja (NC State), U.C. Fiebig (German Aerospace Center, DLR), and N. Schneckenberger (German Aerospace DLR).
Prof. David W. Matolak published a paper "Wideband Air-Ground Channel Model for a Regional Airport Environment" in journal "IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology" with authors N. Schneckenberger (German Aerospace Center, DLR), T. Jost (DLR), M. Walter (DLR), G. Delgado (Tech Univ. Ilmenau), and U.C. Fiebig (German Aerospace, DLR).
April 2019
Prof. David W. Matolak gave an invited presentation at the 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, in Krakow, Poland, on 3 April 2019. The talk was entitled "UAV Channel Models: Review and Future Research," and was the opening talk of the special conference session Propagation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Prof. David W. Matolak attended the awards dinner sponsored by the USC Vice President for Research, on 16 April 2019, for receipt of a Breakthrough Research Leadership Award.
The paper "Low Altitude UAV Air-Ground Propagation Channel Measurement and Analysis in a Suburban Environment at 3.9 GHz" was published in the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) journal Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation, with lead author Z. Cui (Beijing Jiaotong University, BJTU), and co-authors C. Briso (Polytechnic Univ. Madrid, UPM), K. Guan (BJTU), Prof. D. W. Matolak of USC, C. Calvo-Ramirez (UPM), and B. Ai (BJTU).
March 2019
Prof. David W. Matolak published the conference paper “UAV Command and Control, Navigation and Surveillance: A Review of Potential 5G and Satellite Systems,” with lead author N. Hosseini (USC Ph.D. student), and co-authors H. Jamal (USC Post-doc), J. Haque (Honeywell Aerospace), and T. Magesacher (Cesium Astro), at the 2019 IEEE Aerospace Conference.
Prof. David W. Matolak gave an invited presentation in the Brigham Young University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Colloquium series, in Provo, UT, on 21 March 2019. The presentation was entitled Aviation Communications: Transformative Expansion, UAVs, and Air-Ground Channel Modeling.
Prof. David W. Matolak published the journal paper "Pedestrian to Vehicle Communication in an Urban Environment: Channel Measurements and Modeling," in the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, with lead author M. Doone (Queen's Univ., Belfast), and co-authors S. Cotton (Queen's Univ., Belfast), C. Oestges (Catholic Univ., Louvain, Belgium), S. F. Heaney (Jaguar Land Rover), and W. Scanlon (Univ. College, Cork).
Prof. David W. Matolak published a guest editorial, for a Special Section of the journal IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, on "Smart Rail Mobility: Communications, Signaling, and Emerging Technologies," with lead editor K. Guan (Beijing Jiaotong Univ.), and co-editors C. Briso-Rodriguez (Polytech. Univ. Madrid), and M. Berbineau (IFSTTAR).
Prof. David W. Matolak hosted engineers from Rohde & Schwarz, who gave a training session on millimeter wave channel sounding for 5th generation (5G) communications in Prof. Matolak's Wireless Science & Engineering Laboratory.
February 2019
Prof. David W. Matolak published the journal paper “Exploiting Stationarity for Antenna Selection in V2V Communications,” with co-authors P. Bithas and A. Kanatas of the Univ. Piraeus, Greece, in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
Prof. David W. Matolak published “5-GHz Obstructed Vehicle-to-Vehicle Channel Characterization for Internet of Intelligent Vehicles,” with co-authors K. Guan, D. He, B. Ai, and Q. Wang of Beijing Jiaotong University, and T. Kuerner of Technical Univ. Braunschweig, in the IEEE Internet of Things journal.
Prof. David W. Matolak gave an invited presentation on Air-Air Communications for UAVs to the Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Executive Committee Science and Research Panel (SARP) on 28 February, at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, in Laurel, MD. The SARP is a group convened by several US federal government organizations, with members from NASA, the FAA, DoD, DHS, DoC, DoI, DHS, and DoJ. The SARP’s goal is to identify research gaps and support analysis, modeling, and research to develop recommendations for future unmanned aircraft system communications, navigation, and surveillance.
January 2019
Ph.D. student Mohanad Mohsen and Prof. David W. Matolak presented a poster at the 5th NSF Millimeter Wave Research Coordination Network Workshop, 28 January. The poster was entitled “30 GHz Path Loss Measurement and Modeling for Airport Areas.” Prof. Matolak also served as a co-chair for the academic/industry break-out session on Hardware, Circuits, Antennas, and Communication/Signal Processing & Prototypes/Testbeds.
Prof. David W. Matolak and his research group conducted initial measurements in both microwave (5 GHz) and millimeter wave (30 GHz) frequency bands at the Jim Hamilton – LB Owens Airport on 10 January, as part of Prof. Matolak’s NASA ULI research project. These measurements are being used to develop models for the wireless channels in these bands in airport environments, for future aviation communication systems. In preparation for additional airport measurements, Prof. Matolak and his group also toured the Columbia Metropolitan Airport’s air traffic control facility.
Journal Papers:
I. Guvenc, F. Koohifar, S. Singh, M. L. Sichitiu, D. W. Matolak, “Detection, Tracking, and Interdiction for Amateur Drones,” IEEE Comm. Magazine, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 75-81, April 2018.
Q. Wang, D. W. Matolak, B. Ai, “Shadowing Characterization for 5 GHz Vehicle-to-Vehicle Channels,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Tech., vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 1855-1866, March 2018
Book Chapter:
W. Matolak, “Wireless Channel Characterization for the 5 GHz Band Airport Surface Area,” in Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communication Systems; AeroMACS, B. Kamali, IEEE Press, 2018
Contribution to Standards
R. S. McDonough, D. W. Matolak, R. J. Kerczewski, M. Neale, “Proposed Study Group 3 Data Banks contribution—Wide-band statistics of aeronautical mobile-ground links,” International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Study Group 3, US Working Party 3M, Document no. USWP3M-01, 17 April 2018.
Prof. David W. Matolak and his post-doctoral research associate Dr. Hossein Jamal published “Dual-Polarization FBMC for Improved Performance in Wireless Communication Systems, in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. The researchers also filed a provisional patent application for this new radio technology in late 2018.
Refereed Conference Papers
Khatun, H. Mehrpouyan, D. W. Matolak, “60 GHz Millimeter-Wave Pathloss Measurements in Boise Airport,” IEEE GlobalSIP, Anaheim, CA, 26-29 November 2018.
K. Guan, B. Ai, D. He, D. W. Matolak, Q. Wang, Z. Zhong, T. Kuerner, “Obstructed Vehicle-to-Vehicle Channel Modeling for Intelligent Vehicular Communications,” IEEE GlobalSIP, Anaheim, CA, 26-29 November 2018.
M. Walter, D. Shutin, A. Dammann, D. W. Matolak, “Modeling of Highly Non-Stationary Low Altitude Aircraft-to-Aircraft Channels,” IEEE MILCOM, Los Angeles, CA, 29-31 October 2018.
H. Jamal, D. W. Matolak, “PAPR Analysis for Dual-Polarization FBMC,” IEEE MILCOM, Los Angeles, CA, 29-31 October 2018.
P. S. Bithas, A. G. Kanatas, D. W. Matolak, “Shadowing-Based Antenna Selection for V2V Communications,” IEEE PIMRC, Bologna, Italy, 9-12 September 2018.
H. Jamal, D. W. Matolak, “Dual-Polarization OFDM-OQAM Wireless Communication System,” IEEE Fall Vehicular Tech. Conf., Chicago, IL, 27-29 August 2018.
C. Calvo-Ramirez, Z. Cui, C. Briso, K. Guan, D. W. Matolak, “UAV Air-Ground Channel Ray Tracing Simulation Validation,” IEEE/CIC Int. Conf. Communications in China, Beijing, China, 16-18 August 2018.
(Invited) D. W. Matolak, H. Jamal, “Aviation Multicarrier Communication System Performance in Several 5 GHz Band Air-Ground Channels,” IEEE Spring VTC, Porto, Portugal, 3-6 June 2018.
R. Amiri, H. Mehrpouyan, L. Fridman, R. K. Mallik, A. Nallanathan, D. W. Matolak, “A Machine Learning Approach for Power Allocation in HetNets Considering QoS,” IEEE ICC, Kansas City, MO, 20-24 May 2018.
J. Liu, D. W. Matolak, “Worst Month Tropospheric Attenuation Variability Analysis: ITU Model vs. Rain Gauge Data for Air-Satellite Links,” 11th IEEE Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves (GSMM), Boulder, CO, 22-24 May 2018.
M. Mohsen, D. W. Matolak, “Vegetation Attenuation for Several Evergreen Shrubs at 31 and 5 GHz,” 11th IEEE Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves (GSMM), Boulder, CO, 22-24 May 2018.
J. Liu, D. W. Matolak, “Modeling Millimeter WaveTropospheric Attenuations for UAS and Terrestrial Aviation Communications,” IEEE Wireless Telecomm. Sym., Phoenix, AZ, 18-20 April 2018.
M. Mohsen, D. W. Matolak, “31 GHz Path Loss Measurement and Modeling for Indoor/Outdoor Environments,” IEEE Wireless Telecomm. Sym., Phoenix, AZ, 18-20 April 2018.
* (Invited) W. Rayess, D. W. Matolak, “Example Antenna and Link Performance for Wireless Network on Chip Applications,” EuCAP 2018, London, UK, 9-13 April 2018.
* (Invited) D. W. Matolak, A. Smith, K. A. Shalkhauser, S. C. Bretmersky, “Initial Ku-Band Air-Ground Channel Measurement Results,” EuCAP 2018, London, UK, 9-13 April 2018.
N. Schneckenberger, T. Jost, U-C Fiebig, G. DelGaldo, D. W. Matolak, “Validation of the Geometry-based Stochastic Channel Model for the Air-Ground Channel,” EuCAP 2018, London, UK, 9-13 April 2018.
(Poster) M. Mohsen, D. W. Matolak, “31 GHz Vegetation Attenuation for Several Evergreen Shrubs,” NSF mmWave Research Coordination Network Workshop, Tucson, AZ, 18-19 January 2018.
Non-Refereed Conferences & Workshops
D. W. Matolak, I. Guvenc, H. Mehrpouyan, G. Carr, “Hyper-Spectral Communications, Networking & ATM: Progress and Perspectives,” AIAA/IEEE DASC, London, UK, 23-27 September 2018.
N. Hosseini, D. W. Matolak, “Wide Band Channel Characterization for Low Altitude Unmanned Aerial System Communication using Software Defined Radios,” IEEE/AIAA Integrated Comm., Nav., & Surveill. Conf., Herndon, VA, 10-12 April 2018.
A. Smith, D. W. Matolak, R. J. Kerczewski, “Narrow-band Propagation Statistics of Aeronautical Mobile-Ground Links in the L- and C-Bands,” IEEE/AIAA Integrated Comm., Nav., & Surveill. Conf., Herndon, VA, 10-12 April 2018.
Invited Presentations, Workshops, & Tutorials
Event: TEDx -Invited Talk: "Making Better Waves for Safer Flights;" Columbia, SC; 9 October 2018
Event: International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies- Invited Panel Presentation: "Propagation Challenges for Ultra Dense (& Other Demanding Future)" Wireless Systems, Broomfield, CO; Date: 25 July 2018
Event: 13th International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles, Nets4Cars/Nets4Trains/Nets4Aircraft/Nets4Spacecraft-"Invited Keynote Presentation: 3D Air-X UAV Communications: Challenges and Channel Modeling," Madrid, Spain, 17 May 2018
- Prof. Matolak hosted the project “kickoff” meeting for his new NASA University Leadership
Initiative project. Attendees included four NASA engineers and program directors,
co-investigators from NC State University, Boise State University, and Architecture
Technology Corporation, and students and post-doctoral research associates working
on the project.
- At the 2017 IEEE Military Communications Conference in Baltimore, Prof. Matolak presented
the paper “Enhanced Airport Surface Multi-carrier Communication Systems: Filterbank
Advantages over AeroMACS OFDM” (co-author Ph.D. student H. Jamal). Dr. Matolak also
chaired a session on wireless channel modeling.
- Two graduate MS students of Dr. Matolak, Albert Smith and Patrick Murphy, returned
from their summer internships at NASA Glenn Research Center, where they worked on
aviation communications research and engineering.
- Prof. Matolak attended the IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference in St. Petersburg,
FL. At the conference, he presented a paper on his new NASA aeronautical communications
project in a special session. He also chaired another special session on future air
traffic management. While in Florida, Prof. Matolak also gave an invited presentation
at Honeywell Aerospace.
- For Dr. Matolak’s new NASA research grant, under NASA’s University Leadership Initiative,
Dr. Matolak will brief members of Congress and NASA leadership on his project July
13-14. The short presentation will note research on improvements needed for an air
traffic management system that is unprepared to handle rapidly expanding air travel
and air transport in the U.S and globally.
- Dr. Matolak was a visiting scientist at the German Aerospace Center in Oberpfaffenhofen,
Germany, outside Munich. Dr. Matolak conducted joint research on aeronautical communications
for civil aviation, with focus on propagation, wireless channel modeling, and aeronautical
communication system performance. Investigations covered multiple frequency bands
and physical and data link layer communication system topics, including modulation,
detection, and MIMO.
- Ph.D. student Nozhan Hosseini presented the paper “Software Defined Radios as Cognitive
Relays for Satellite Ground Stations Incurring Terrestrial Interference” at the IEEE
Cognitive Communications for Aerospace Applications Workshop in Cleveland, Ohio, 27-28
June, co-author D. W. Matolak.
- During the first week of June, 2017, Prof. Matolak taught an invited short course
at the National Institute of Technology, in Rourkela, Odisha, India. The course had
more than 20 students from across the east-Indian region.
- Prof. Matolak participated as an invited panelist on the panel Propagation Challenges
in New 5G Use Cases at the IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC) in
Paris, France, 24 May. Prof. Matolak also presented the paper “Spatial and Frequency
Correlations in Two-Ray SIMO Channels” at ICC, co-authors H. Jamal, R. Sun.
- Ph.D. student Jinwen Liu presented the paper “Investigation of Tropospheric Attenuations
for UAS Beyond-Line-of-Sight Communications, and the ITU-R Tropospheric Attenuation
Model,” at the IEEE Integrated Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance Conference
in Herndon, Virginia, 18-20 April, co-author D. W. Matolak.
- Ph.D. student Hossein Jamal presented the paper “Spectrally-Shaped FBMC Performance in the Presence of DME Interference” at the IEEE Aerospace Conference in Big Sky, Montana, 4-11 March, co-author D. W. Matolak.
- Our group received another grant from NASA, on beyond line-of-sight, aircraft to satellite communications.
- Our group was awarded a grant supplement from NASA, on our project Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Research: The AG Channel, Robust Waveforms, and Aeronautical Network Simulations.